Acupuncture in Hamilton County, OH

Chinese Acupuncture Center

Chinese Acupuncture Center

Chinese Acupuncture Center
Cincinnati OH 45244
According to the personal condition, meridian acupoint treatment, auricular point stimulation, reflexology, microcurrent, magnetic cup, ion-pump cord, electromagnetic lamp, moxbustion, acupressure or TweiNa, and QiGong are chosen with different combinations. The center supplies service with competitive
Bliss Chiropractic

Bliss Chiropractic

Bliss Chiropractic
Cincinnati OH 45255
Doctors of Chiropractic use the same time-honored methods of consultation, case history, physical examination, laboratory analysis, and x-ray examination as any other doctor. In addition, they supply a careful chiropractic structural mination, paying particular attention to the spine. The examination
Trihealth: Integrative Health & Medicine

Trihealth: Integrative Health & Medicine

Trihealth: Integrative Health & Medicine
Cincinnati OH 45242
Esly received his Master of Sciences degree in Oriental Medicine from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM) in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He is nationally board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine,
Greater Cincinnati Acupuncture

Greater Cincinnati Acupuncture

Greater Cincinnati Acupuncture
Cincinnati OH 45208
Shilpa Dias, M. S, R. Ac, B. H. M. S, was a licensed physician specializing in Homeopathic Medicine in India. She went on to obtain a Master of Science degree in Acupuncture from the New York College Of Health Professions in New York. Ms. Dias is Nationally Board Certified in Acupuncture with the National
Kim Sung S

Kim Sung S

Kim Sung S
Cincinnati OH
Certified as a surgeon by the American Board of Surgery in 1971, Dr. Kim became interested in acupuncture in 1972, when his wife's chronic neck pain was cured through acupuncture treatments performed by Taiwanese acupuncture doctors visiting the U. S. Dr. Kim's wife had been suffering from chronic right