Dance Schools in Arlington County, VA

Adagio Ballet and Dance

Adagio Ballet and Dance

Adagio Ballet and Dance
Arlington VA 22207
Grace and Memories for Life means more than words to us - this is our dream and our aim. And here is how we reach it. Our Students are in a constant state of excitement and love for the art of dance. The energy created by this excitement is channeled through the structured Adagio syllabus, which is the
Saffron - Belly Dance Classes

Saffron - Belly Dance Classes

Saffron - Belly Dance Classes
Arlington VA 22201
Saffron Dance is your belly dance destination in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. We invite you to experience the journey and joy of this ancient art form. Now you can escape from your ordinary movement class and immerse yourself in the exotic rhythms and intoxicating melodies of oriental music
Perfect Pointe Dance Studio

Perfect Pointe Dance Studio

Perfect Pointe Dance Studio
Arlington VA 22207
Ideal Pointe Dance Studio opened in July of 2007 providing fourteen classes per week and serving fifty-eight students. As of Spring 2009, Perfect Pointe has two studio spaces, offers fifty-two classes per week and serves over four hundred students. As stated in our MISSION STATEMENT, Perfect Pointe is
Dance Factory

Dance Factory

Dance Factory
Arlington VA 22201
The birth of the Dance Factory was February 1976. We began off by sharing space in a run-down karate school kick off your shoes, jump up on the big ol' mat and dance oops, watch out for the leaky roof puddles and all. A large part of our business comes by way of referrals! We are popular, and we want