Alternative Choices

Mental Health Services in Philadelphia, PA
Mental Health Services in Philadelphia, PA Alternative Choices is an independent practice providing counseling and psychotherapy with experienced, dedicated psychotherapists and licensed psychologists to kids, adolescents and adults. Since each personal and family is unique, our treatment strategies are tailored to address that uniqueness and assist you get on the road to healing and growth.

Contact Details

319 Vine Strt Unit 110
Philadelphia, PA
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About Us
read moreWe offer traditional and current evidence-based methods of counseling and psychotherapy. We are an alternative choice to impersonal clinics, managed care groups, and other settings. We work with people who may have chosen alternative lifestyles. We offer alternative choices until we find the best solution for each individual. We are not "alternative healers".Our treatment is individualized and is designed to relieve symptoms, resolve conflicts and improve quality of life. Some people can get what they need and want to do in 6-12 sessions or less.
Alexander Dowd
read moreI believe in the saying, "If you give a man a fish he eats for a day, but if you teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime." I teach techniques that can be implemented to overcome current hurdles and are also transferrable to be used in the future as needs arise. My approach is to work collaboratively with clients to meet them where they are and learn their goals and aspirations so that we can develop a plan together to overcome obstacles. I have experience and enjoy working with individuals, couples, and families.
read moreWe help people deal with the variety of issues and obstacles we all face. Our focus is on helping people gain awareness, acceptance and move forward in meaningful and healthy ways.
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