Aron, Matthew A DC - Coram Chiropractic Center

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Brookhaven, NY
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Brookhaven, NY The Coram Chiropractic Center's mission is to serve our community by delivering natural health care through Chiropractic. We intend to supply quality Chiropractic services in a friendly, enthusiastic environment, so you and your family can achieve and maintain optimal health. We aim to educate our patients in the Philosophy of wellness care, not ill care. To assist you experience the many wonderful benefits of our drug free, surgery-free method of health care.

Contact Details

1850 Rte 112
Brookhaven, NY
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Services Offered at Coram Chiropractic
read moreAdjusting the spine is the cornerstone of chiropractic. We utilize multiple techniques in order to provide the greatest service to our patients. Along with the traditional manual adjustments, Dr. Aron may use special tables or adjusting instruments for infants, children and pregnant women. At Dr. Arons' Chiropractic office we have a Licensed Massage Therapist on our staff in order to assist you in reaching your health goals. Massage is used in coordination with chiropractic adjustments to help the soft tissues of the body heal quickly and effectively.
What to Expect
read moreDuring your consultation, you and Dr. Aron will discuss your present condition, family history and any initial concerns you may have. At this time, Dr. Aron will determine if yours is a chiropractic case. If it is, he will tell you, and if not; he will refer you to another healthcare professional. Dr. Aron will then conduct a thorough chiropractic examination. If warranted, high speed, low dose x-rays will be conveniently taken at a local imaging center. Our chiropractic assistants will now be ready to help you schedule your next appointment.
Coram Chiropractic treating back
read moreIn simplest terms, a subluxation a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes those nerves to malfunction and interfere with the signals traveling over those nerves. How does this affect you? Your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body.
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