Brpt Lake

Physical Therapist in Baton Rouge, LA
Physical Therapist in Baton Rouge, LA The physical therapists and the occupational therapists at Baton Rouge Physical Therapy-Lake focus on their dedication to patient care by continuing to advance their studies and experience of the latest treatment techniques while utilizing manual therapy techniques for all patients. Baton Rouge Physical Therapy-Lake believes in delivering the optimum in quality care. This is achieved through working with both the patient and their physician with a mixture of treatment techniques to return each patient to the aims set forth in the initial visit.

Contact Details

5414 Brittany Driv # G
Baton Rouge, LA
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Brpt Lake
read moreOur commitment to research and technology means our patients experience the best possible outcomes. Our team of specialized therapists take the time to get to know you and your unique circumstances, so we can uncover the underlying issues that are holding you back. Getting the full picture allows us to recommend and implement the right treatment for long-lasting relief. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution for pain relief or rehabilitation. That's why we create a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs rather than utilizing the same treatment plans repeatedly.
About Us
read morePhysical pain or limited mobility can keep you from fully participating in your daily life. Whether it's taking a walk in the park, playing with your kids or grandkids, or reaching your personal fitness goals, we know you want to get back to living like you used to-or better. You deserve the best possible care to help you get back to being the best possible you. But knowing where to turn or who to trust to help you find a lasting solution can be confusing. Our team uses the latest research and technology to consistently deliver the best possible outcomes, starting with a personalized treatment plan just for you.
Certified Hand Therapy
read moreHand therapy is defined as the science and art of assessment and rehabilitation of the upper limbs. A hand, wrist, or shoulder injury can quickly compromise your quality of life whether it's accident induced, a symptom of overuse, or has been brought on by a disease. BRPT's Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) can get to the root of the problem, making adjustments to relieve pain that are well beyond what medicine could do alone. Certified Hand Therapists have a minimum of five years of advanced clinical skills and therapy, including over 4,000 hours in hand therapy practice, and also have passed a comprehensive test in advanced clinical skills.
Career Page
read moreJoin the Baton Rouge Physical Therapy team, a proud member of the Confluent Health family. At BRPT, we're excited to be hiring the most skilled physical and occupational therapists in the region to continue building a family-like environment.
Types of Treatment
read moreOur therapists are trained specialists, dedicated to continuous education, training and research so they are equipped to create a clear plan for you to achieve long-term results. Your road to recovery starts with a thorough exam and an assessment of your condition by our highly trained therapists. By obtaining a history, collecting objective data from various assessment maneuvers, and discussing your goals, our therapists develop a treatment plan uniquely for you. Orthopedic & Manual Therapy at BRPT includes hands-on techniques used to reduce pain and improve range-of-motion and flexibility to stiff joints and muscles in any part of the body.
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