Mindworks Hypnosis

Dietitian in Bellevue, WA
Dietitian in Bellevue, WA Connie Brannan is a Seattle native, grew up on Mercer Island and received a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. Her extensive traveling and living in other regions has deeply enriched her understanding of diversity and her capability to aid others. Now, she is delighted to be home, and practicing out of Bellevue, Washington. She is a Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, certified through Richard Bandler and the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

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1800 112th Ave Northeast #220#
Bellevue, WA
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Mindworks Hypnosis
read moreNow is the perfect time to embrace that healthier lifestyle, and let go of unwanted habits, the extra pounds, tobacco, fear, stress, and more! Discover the proven and natural way to change your mind and change your life! Call us at (425) 564-8608 foraFREE private consultation with Clinical Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist & Licensed Trainer of NLP, Connie Brannan, CHt! Hypnosis has helped millions of people just like you improve their lives and realize their most precious dreams. Hypnosis frees you from the limitations the world and your life until now has placed on you by speaking directly with your unconscious mind, the ultimate origin of all your habits and patterns of behavior.
About Us
read moreThe two biggies: QUIT SMOKING and LOSE WEIGHT. Everyone knows someone who wants to kick the cigarette habit, and wants to shape up. These amazing "hypnosis-in-a-box" sessions help focus your mind in a way that creates positive change. A word of caution: these CD's do take you to a highly relaxed state, so do not listen to them while driving or operating machinery! Sit back and relax in a comfortable chair or lie down when you have time to focus on yourself and your own well-being, and unleash the power of your unconscious mind!
Pain Control through hypnosis
read morePain is a message from your body. It's important to listen. But, once that message is received, a high level is no longer necessary. Your mind controls your body, and that includes the sensations of physical discomfort. Using hypnosis for pain control can help you lessen the discomfort, but it cannot alleviate the cause, such as with arthritis or an abscessed tooth. Hypnosis for the control of pain is not a substitute for medical attention. If you are experiencing pain and you have not visited a doctor, do so immediately.
read moreFear is very real, and very debilitating. It can and does limit your life. Fear is meant to serve a positive purpose in our lives, it's to protect us--but when it becomes out of proportion to the true "danger" involved, it needs to be changed. I'm a former spider-phobic. Finding a tiny garden spider in the bathtub is not a reasonable reason to have a strong physical reaction of anxiety, alarm, recoiling, jumping, screaming, and adrenalin pumping through one's body. I know. I suffered that for most of my life.
Bellevue Hypnosis
read moreHere's a short video introduction to Connie and her Seattle area hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practice. Do you want the best?.the most proven successful, the most highly trained, caring, client-centered, results-driven professional hypnotherapist in the State of Washington? Hypnosis for weight management | Kick the cigarette habit | Hypnosis for releasing fears | Stress relief through hypnosis | Hypnosis for an amazing memory | Hypnosis for improving study habits | An end to nail biting | Hypnosis for improving your sporting game | Hypnosis for unleashing the creative genius in you | Increase those sales quotas | Self hypnosis | Pump up your confidence and self esteem | Stop procrastinating | Manage physical discomfort | Hypnosis for sleep improvement | And more!
Lose weight now through hypnosis
read moreThis is a program where you'll see results, because together we reprogram your mind to act in ways you want to: healthy choices, healthy eating, exercise. It won't be a struggle, and it's not a "diet, " it's simply doing what you want to do. For yourself. Your mind and your body will be working together--for your health! It's so cool. Some of the programs out there suggest radical life-threatening surgeries or something artificial like buying prepackaged meals from them forever! That's ridiculous.
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