Over The Mountain Rehab

Physical Therapist in Birmingham, AL
Physical Therapist in Birmingham, AL Over the Mountain Rehab. Is a privately owned Physical and Occupational therapy clinic. We aim to supply quality, one on one therapy services to suit each personal's requirements. With over fifty years of combined experience, our mission is to restore normal function and minimize pain in a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Christy Mann OTR/L, CHT graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Related Professions. She is a board certified hand therapist who specializes in injuries and dysfunctions of the whole upper extremity.

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2204 Lakeshore Drive Ste 150
Birmingham, AL
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Emmett Parker
read moreEmmett formed AccelAbility Physical Therapy, Inc. in December of 2003 and served as President since that time. His vision for AccelAbility Physical Therapy, Inc. was the establishment of a company committed to providing excellent outpatient physical therapy services in state of the art clinics. Emmett has been practicing physical therapy for 24 years and has spent the last 19 years in private practice. He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1990 with a BS degree in Sports Medicine. After working a couple of years as an Athletic Trainer he enrolled in Physical Therapy school at UAB where received a MS degree in Physical Therapy in 1995.
Why Choose Us
read moreAt AccelAbility Balance & Therapy, we are dedicated to delivering individualized, compassionate, high-quality care. As nothing is more personal than your health, we focus on developing personalized treatment plans that are unique to your specific condition. Our patients are offered up to one hour of 1-on-1 treatment with a therapist each time they come to us. AccelAbility is one of the premier balance therapy centers in the state of Alabama with two convenient, state- of-the-art clinics in the Birmingham area.
Balance Therapy Homewood AL
read moreOur specialists provide rehabilitation services for a wide variety of conditions. Our rehabilitation programs include balance therapy, orthopedic rehabilitation, vestibular therapy, sports medicine, neurological rehabilitation, industrial rehabilitation and spine rehabilitation. We provide customized physical and balance therapy programs to correct movement dysfunction, decrease pain, and reduce the risk of falls. It is our goal to help patients improve their overall well-being and return to their normal lives.
AccelAbility Balance & Therapy
read moreAccelAbility Physical Therapy, Inc. (APT) was founded in October 2003 by Emmett Parker PT, ATC with the opening of the first APT clinic in Trussville. His mission was to develop an outpatient physical therapy company to provide outstanding rehabilitation services in a personable and professional environment where all patients are treated with compassion and dignity. Today there are two clinics located in Homewood and Trussville. The facilities are community based providing outpatient physical therapy services with an emphasis on balance & vestibular therapy, orthopedics, spine, sports medicine and industrial rehabilitation.
Spine Rehabilitation Birmingham
read moreWhether you have back pain, radiating arm pain, neck pain or thoracic (mid-back) pain, we can help. Your spine must be flexible, strong, and healthy in order to maintain a pain free body. Physical therapy focuses on controlling pain and symptoms as well as creating an individualized program that focuses on returning the patient to their optimal functional level. Below is an example of one our spine rehabilitation programs. Back pain or backache is the pain felt in the back that may originate from damage to the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
Accessibility Statement
read moreYour Practice Online is committed to provide solutions to make our website and our clients' websites available to as many people as possible by meeting the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will make every effort to ensure website-based communications are accessible to those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments. Your Practice Online acknowledges that internet users with disabilities can find websites difficult to use. We recognize this important issue, and are taking necessary steps to ensure that all Your Practice Online developed websites are accessible in accordance with known guidelines framed by industry-standard techniques and practices, to provide an acceptable level of ADA accessibility for website users.
Knee Sports Injuries Birmingham
read morePain, swelling, and stiffness are the common symptoms of any damage or injury to the knee. If care is not taken during the initial phases of injury, it may lead to joint damage, which may end up destroying your knee. Knee sprain is a common injury that occurs from overstretching of the ligaments that support the knee joint. A knee sprain occurs when the knee ligaments are twisted or turned beyond its normal range, causing the ligaments to tear. Knee pain is a common condition affecting individuals of various age groups.
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