Rene Piedra & Associates - Rene Piedra

Dentist in Miami, FL
Dentist in Miami, FL New Era Dentistry can fix teeth, restore sore gums, and brighten smiles in fewer visits and with little or no discomfort. We can complete a wealth of dental treatment in fewer visits with modern dentistry, modern techniques and instrumentation. These factors enables us to complete more treatment in a single visit instead of having you come back, again and again, when things can be completed efficiently in fewer visits. , for patients that have been putting off the dentist and deteriorating oral health because of fear, sedation dentistry can assist.

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4649 Ponce De Leon Boul # 301
Miami, FL
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Rene Piedra & Associates - Rene Piedra
read moreMore and more people in the Miami area are realizing the advantages of sedation dentistry, which allows them to visit the dentist regularly and leave their stress and anxiety behind. Regardless of whether you need a simple routine checkup or treatment for a more complex dental problem, Dr. Rene Piedra has the training and experience to restore your healthy smile in just one or two comfortable, relaxing visits. Ask us about conscious sedation to help relieve the stress of some cosmetic dentistry procedures.
About Us
read moreWouldn't it be wonderful to never dread the dentist again? That's only one of the many benefits of Miami sedation dentistry at Feel Good Dentistry. And if it's been a while since your last dental visit, Dr. Piedra can correct any resulting damage or decay, usually in just one or two visits. Whether you need a cavity filled, dentures fitted, treatment for sore gums - or even cosmetic procedures to whiten your teeth or fix a chipped tooth, you'll be amazed at how much dental work can be accomplished while you are calmly sedated.
Feel Good Dentistry
read moreOr, you can simply provide us with the following information and we will contact you shortly to schedule an appointment.
Miami Veneers from Rene Piedra
read moreIf you hide your smile in embarrassment because it's less than perfect, dental veneers can help. In just a few visits with Rene Piedra, D.M.D. in Miami, your teeth can look straight and white. You'll be able to let go of feeling self-conscious and show off your natural smile - and you'll be surprised at how affordable veneers can be. Porcelain veneers are individually made to cover flawed teeth. The surface of each tooth is prepared, and a custom made veneer is laminated onto it. Composite veneers are made of resin that is applied, sculpted and polished directly on each tooth.
Miami IV Sedation Dentistry with
read moreIf you suffer from overwhelming dental anxiety or phobia, IV sedation with Rene Piedra, D.M.D. in Miami may be the solution. You can finally stop putting off those visits to the dentist that you've been avoiding because of your fears. With safe and effective intravenous sedation, you'll be completely unconscious during the entire procedure. You can even catch up on years of neglect in just one or two visits to Feel Good Dentistry. IV sedation put you to sleep instantly so that you won't feel any pain and won't hear any dental drills or other sounds thay may have caused you stress and anxiety in the past.
Feel Good Dentistry
read moreWe are conveniently located on US-1 and 95th Street (Datran Dr.), just off the last exit on the Palmetto Exwy, and just two blocks South of Kendall Dr. Landmarks: We are just across the street to Shorty's BBQ, next to Mrs. Saigon Bistro near Dadeland Mall. Our goal is not to let expense prevent you from benefiting from the quality of care you desire and need.
Sedation Dentist
read moreMany of our patients with strong dental fears have been able to correct years of dental neglect and problems in just one or two visits to Feel Good Dentistry. Kendall area sedation dentist Dr. Rene Piedra and his compassionate staff are highly trained and experienced in calming the fears and anxieties many patients associate with dental procedures. Ask us about conscious sedation to help relieve the stress of some cosmetic dentistry procedures. We also provide dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and wisdom teeth.
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