Snowden Thomas Clinic - Philip E Snowden

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Corpus Christi, TX
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Corpus Christi, TX Dr. Thomas has been in the practice of Chiropractic for over 30 years and utilizing acupuncture for the past eleven years. He is a Diplomate in the prestigious International Academy of Medical Acupuncture and holds a Certification in both Chiropractic and Acupuncture from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. In addition, he is a member of the testing committee of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and serves on their Acupuncture test writing committee.

Contact Details

4368 South Alameda St
Corpus Christi, TX
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Snowden Thomas Clinic - Philip E Snowden
read moreDr. Patrick Thomas, is a caring and highly experienced chiropractor, who will always have your best interest in mind. He takes the time to listen to your needs and combined with his over 42 years as a chiropractor, his experience as a Marine Corpsman in Vietnam, and over 16 years utilizing a Euro Asian style of chiropractic acupuncture, has the expertise to diagnosis and help resolve health conditions. The treatments, completed in a comfortable atmosphere and a high standard of care, uses both modern chiropractic and chiropractic acupuncture techniques and cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest standard of care.
Our technology
read moreDr. Thomas uses a diagnostic computer tool called Electro Meridian Imaging to quickly and accurately diagnose your condition. Developed in 1951 by Dr. Yoshio Nakatiani, M.D., PhD, it is a method of examining the meridian system of the body through electronic measurements. It proved to alter the way Chiropractic acupuncture would be practiced throughout the world. After electronically measuring the meridians, results were manually calculated using a staggered numbering system for graphing. The method of Ryodoraku was refined and renamed Electro Meridian Imaging (EMI) by Dr. John Amaro in 1982.
Our Process
read moreDr. Thomas offers state of the art techniques and services; providing a customized, individual treatment plan to help you recover from injury or find relief from chronic pain caused by the subluxation (misalignment) of your spine. From manual manipulations of your spine and the availability of Chiropratic acupuncture, and low level laser treatments, Dr. Thomas' mission is to relieve your pain. In the simplest terms, a subluxation is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate the spinal nerves.
Our Clinic
read moreConveniently located in central Corpus Christi, Texas, our clinic is a caring, friendly environment. Dr. Patrick Thomas' mission is to relieve your pain and improve your health, using state of the art techniques and tools that are non-invasive and natural. He can diagnose spinal subluxations that are causing discomfort, chronic pain, and other conditions affected by the subluxation. Dr. Thomas seeks to correct these subluxations of your spine through spinal manipulation and with the aid of acupuncture and low level cold laser therapy.
Laser Teatments
read moreWe utilize a laser whenever we feel it will enhance and speed up your response to our treatment. The laser we use is FDA approved and is classified as a "cold" laser, so there is no danger to the patient or doctor. It is very effective in treatment of most joints and soft tissue. It's main advantage is that is has the ability to reduce inflammation, reduce pain and promote healing. We use the Laser in conjunction with our main treatment source of spinal manipulation to reduce a subluxation. So, the laser, like chiropractic acupuncture are adjuctive therapies which may or may not be utilized, depending on the fact that since everyone is different, we all require an unique and specialized treatment plan.
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