Springfield Marriage & Family

Family Counselor in Springfield, MO
Family Counselor in Springfield, MO Springfield Marriage and Family Institute, a place to find the life you always wanted! Springfield MFI was established by W. K. Boyce to supply Christian-based professional counseling to individuals, couples and families. Located in Springfield, Missouri, SMFI supplies seminars and workshops nationwide and through internships supervise and train the next generation of licensed professional counselors. Counseling, or to seek counsel, is to look for someone who has a knowledge you need.

Contact Details

3734 S Avenue # C
Springfield, MO
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What Is Counseling
read moreIt's not what you're thinking. At Springfield Marriage and Family Institute you will not find a little man with a scruff beard in a 70's shirt and tie talking to you with a German accent saying Very Interesting. I zinks you hate chor mom!" while you lie on a couch in a room sterile enough to do surgery in or worse a book filled, moldy, dated, dark "hole in the wall" place. Counseling, or to seek counsel, is to look for someone who has a knowledge you need. I'll bet you've already seen a counselor before!
Pre-marital Counseling
read moreCongratulations, you're engaged! This is a very exciting time in your life. Next comes planning the wedding, with the excitement of choosing the flowers, the music, invitations, and finding the perfect dress. There are many details that go into planning a wedding. Have you thought about the many details of a life-time marriage and the love that is required to support you and your spouse through all the issues that will come up in the marriage? The word "diamond" is translated from a word that means 'unconquerable' or 'indestructible' - and it almost is; the only thing that can cut a diamond is another diamond.
Grief and Loss Counseling
read moreSomeone you love - a parent, spouse, child, close friend - has died. The numbness, denial, bargaining, and anger are taking a huge emotional toll as you feel caught in the violent whirlwind of life out of control. If you can, you go through the motions of routine at work and at home but only as a shell of yourself. What's happening to you? You are grieving for the one you lost. Everything within you is crying out in pain while you feel a part of you is gone. All of these feelings are normal and to be expected in the experience of such loss.
Individual Counseling
read moreEveryone seeks a counselor and counseling at some point in life. Strength of character is shown when you are seeking advice from someone who has education, training and expertise in something that you are putting your heart and life into. If your car breaks down you take it to mechanic who can diagnose what is broken and repair it. If you are playing sports, you seek a coach who can help you learn the game and develop the skills to be successful. Even professional athletes have a coach and mentor to better their game.
read moreHave you heard it yet? W. K. Boyce with. The Life You Always Wanted radio program is a new dawn in the life of individuals, marriages and families in the Midwest. W. K. takes this talk show into every realm of marriage and family life today - everywhere people go in their relationships. The mission is to go boldly along a pathway that only the brave dare to tread - called the Truth. The focus is to be correct according to objective Truth - not be politically correct according to current opinions of mankind.
Signs Around Town
read moreHave you seen these signs around town? Can these little signs really improve a marriage, save a family, or make oneself a better parent? Only if you take action. Even if your marriage and life are great, odds are you know someone that needs help. Refer a friend! How many times have we found ourselves saying that and never acting on it?. Why? Suppose your cars engine is sputtering and stalling - you wouldn't continue to drive it without taking it to a certified mechanic to diagnose and repair. Why risk doing further damage?
Getaways Seminars & Retreats
read moreMarriage excitement weekends are for those who want to get the most out of their life together. Don't settle for an "I guess average" marriage, supercharge it! Come check us out. Register today for one of our upcoming events. Check out what some have said about our recent "Love Letters" Seminar in Dallas Texas. Warning: Marriage Excitement Seminars are not for those with serious marital problems. One getaway weekend will not solve those kinds of marriage issues. In fact, it could make them worse.
Divorce Recovery
read moreMost insurance companies do not cover relationship, marriage or family counseling. If there is a medical condition that is impacting the marriage and / or family relationships, insurance may cover the counseling on the individual diagnosis. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with your insurance benefits. When you check with your insurance company for benefits, ask for mental health benefits, with an out-of-network provider, for an office visit. We will be happy to file your insurance claim for you for reimbursement.
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