Young Robert C

Medical Center in Plano, TX
Medical Center in Plano, TX ADHD -ADD -Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a very real disorder that effects from 5-10% of Dallas kids and young adults. Although girls can have this disorder, boys are 8 times more likely to be affected. , over 28% of parents who have been diagnosed or lived with this disorder are likely to have an ADD/ADHD child. Diagnosing, testing and treating the cause and effect of ADD/ADHD in school age kids will aid prevent very real and sometimes very serious student, behavior and social problems, now and in the future!

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4012 W Pk Boul
Plano, TX
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read moreDoes your child play computer games, like so many children, do today? Don't let Johnny or Suzie's ability to sit still while playing a computer game fool you. For many children with ADHD, the simple act of moving fingers on a computer game module is enough stimulation to "mask" the constant movement symptom of hyperactivity. If you are borderline in thinking your child may have ADHD, take away the computer module for a week. You may have a cranky child for a short while, but you will quickly see the child's response to the diminished stimulus.
read moreJohn Chuang and OFFICITE expressly disclaims all warranties and responsibilities of any kind, whether express or implied, for the accuracy or reliability of the content of any information contained in this Web Site, and for the suitability, results, effectiveness or fitness for any particular purpose of the services, procedures, advice or treatments referred to herein, such content and suitability, etc., being the sole responsibility of parties other than John Chuang and OFFICITE, and the reliance upon or use of same by you is at your own independent discretion and risk.
read moreOur office offers TELE-MED appointments for TEXAS residents and with your doctor's approval. Also please be aware some insurance policies do not cover Tele-med. IMPORTANT NOTE: Telemedicine in Texas is defined by Texas law to be remote medical services provided to a patient by a physician who is licensed in Texas. Since our doctors are only licensed to practice medicine in Texas, they cannot and will not provide Telemedicine services to any patient located across Texas state lines. Even in cases where your permanent residence is in Texas, if you're located physically across state lines we cannot and will not provide Telemedicine services.
Fairview ADHD
read moreFairview: Time/visual/spatial processing disabilities are also common complaints for ADD/ADHD clients. This is not too surprising since many people with ADHD have problems judging time and organizing space. Academically, the space aspect can affect academic performance in many school subjects particularly geometry and physics. Research has shown that emotional conflicts within such clients can produce depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder and other similar conditions. This makes early diagnosis even more important for a child.
Frisco ADHD
read moreFrisco Texas individuals with ADD, including the hyperactive and inattentive, suffer from disorganization which is one symptom that can be highly problematic in school, in the professional workplace, and at home. Keeping track of paperwork, organizing one's desk, and keeping things clean at home is a monumental task for them because their minds are so often thinking about multiple things at once. Even routine and everyday tasks are difficult for ADD clients to handle because most tasks soon become mundane and boring and their minds go wandering off to something more interesting or more stimulating.
ADHD Allen
read moreSince ADD/ADHD's are disorganized on a regular basis in Allen Texas, planning ahead is just not possible. Disorganization and inability to plan go hand and hand and plans change often because what seems interesting one day may not the next. Planning, details, and execution are often too much for them to handle. Considering just the basic demands for day to day performance, it's obvious why such clients often have difficulty controlling their emotions. Living from crisis to crisis and problem to problem is common for them.
Denton ADHD
read moreSometimes Denton teachers will contact the parent if the child shows behavioral patterns for either ADD or ADHD. Some schools offer unsolicited adaptations for any child needing academic help, particularly in reading. If your child is struggling in school, your best approach is to become proactive and seek professional evaluation from a doctor trained to treat the disorder, provide a well-structured home environment, and follow religiously the treatment recommendations and accurate medication dosages.
McKinney ADHD
read moreTeachers in public and private McKinney Texas schools are trained to recognize the characteristics of ADD and ADHD. An ideal teacher should be encouraging, motivating, and skilled at implementing a variety of teaching styles. Since ADD/ADHD children are more prone to boredom, they need the material presented slowly, clearly, and repeatedly reinforced. Nevertheless, as your child's most zealous advocate a parent must become informed and not rely on teachers, educational specialists, psychologists and other personnel at the school as they are under no obligation to diagnose or implement help for your child unless presented with a diagnostic letter from a medical professional.
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