Tanning Salons in Durham County, NC

Bella Trio

Bella Trio

Bella Trio
Durham NC 27713
A separate entrance entices patrons to the 2nd floor spa area by way of a limestone stairway, opulent faux finish walls and soothing music. There the transformation to serenity starts with a refreshing drink of fruit infused water, or a soothing cup of herbal tea. Leave the stress of daily life and relax
Planet Beach Tanning Salons Durham

Planet Beach Tanning Salons Durham

Planet Beach Tanning Salons Durham
Durham NC 27713
Planet Beach refers to the positive effects of UV exposure through our equipment as UV therapy. We don't refer to UV equipment as tanning beds as the benefits of UV far exceed that of a tan. Impressive research has actually shown moderate sun exposure several times a week can assist ward off a number