Experienced & Trusted

Litigation Technology Support

20 years of trial experience, at your service.


In-Court Evidence Presentation

Our experienced trial technicians are seasoned professionals fully prepared to efficiently present your document, graphic and video evidence in court.

Forensic Data Collection

ISFCE Certified Computer Examiner for collection of data from phones, mobile devices, laptops, desktops and nearly any device with data critical to your case.

Video Services

Litigation specific video production services for attorneys seeking straightforward edits and presentation of surveillance, bodycam and a variety of security camera formats.


Founded 2003

Rosen LTC provides litigation support services to attorneys nationwide. Our team’s specialties include in-court presentation and technical support, graphics and video production as well as forensic data collection and production.

Rosen Litigation Technology Consulting, Inc.

65 Broad St.
Charleston, SC 29401