A Better Way
Law Firm in Detroit, MI

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read moreWe do our best to explain our fees and any other costs associated with your Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Since we strive to charge a fair price for your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, giving out exact fee quotations before having a full consultation regarding your situation is impossible. The fees charged for a bankruptcy depend on numerous factors, including what chapter you are filing, how complex your case is, anticipated issues with creditors, the Trustee or the court, whether the case for an individual or for a husband and wife, the number of creditors, etc.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Detroit
read moreWhen most people consider filing bankruptcy for debt relief, they are thinking about filing under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a straight wipe out of all of your debt, with a few exclusions thrown in. Chapter 7 bankruptcies may be filed by an individual, a husband and wife together or separately, as well as corporations looking to stop operations completely. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most commonly filed form of bankruptcy, as well as the quickest way to get a "fresh start."
Bankruptcy Attorneys Detroit
read moreOne common form of debt relief comes in the form of debt consolidation. This is where all your debt gets pooled together and you make one payment a month to whoever is managing the consolidation. Once the consolidator takes their fee, they disburse the rest of the monies to your creditors. This type of debt relief is very similar to the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process, but it lacks some of the benefits and protections of the bankruptcy court. When most people consider filing bankruptcy for debt relief, they are thinking about filing under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code.
100 Can Stop Foreclosure NOW
read moreFacing foreclosure is one of the most heart wrenching events that a homeowner will face in their lifetime. Just the idea of losing the very home that has a lifetime of memories contained in its walls is enough to break down even the strongest among us. And that doesn't even consider the possible embarrassment of family and friends finding out about your most personal financial issues. However, you are not alone in this, A Better Way Bankruptcy, Michigan Foreclosure Experts, has more than 24 years' experience in helping families to protect not only their investment in their home, but also helping to protect cherished memories and letting them keep their dignity as well.