Arrow Office Supply
Office Stationery Supplier in Detroit, MI
The Office Center has seen many changes in the the thirty seven years it has been providing our communities with Office Products, Equipment and Services. Technology has shaped the way products are acquired, sold and delivered. Clients huge and tiny are combined to form powerful buyers groups for finest possible pricing. Distributors huge and tiny are combined to form a vendor network to supply fast delivery and superior availability. The power to receive products on a Global scale with the advantage of dealing with your hometown business.
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About Us
read moreFor over 55 years The Office Center, Inc. has supplied Eastern New Mexico and West Texas communities with Office Products, Furniture, Equipment and Service at competitive prices. Our mission has always been to provide our customers with the lowest price per product while maintaining high-quality and timely service. Maintaining this standard has allowed us to remain in business and grow over these four decades of operation. We currently utilize 465 vendors with an in house product database of over 110,000 items and several hundred thousand more available allowing us to be competitive with any one.
read moreThe Office Center, Inc., maintains a great selection of furniture with rapid access to thousands of freight free special order items. We offer free design services to improve the workflow of your office and insure that the furniture you choose is the best possible choice, both in design, placement, fit and price, before you place your order. Cannon Air Force Base and US Goverment Offices will benefit from our Hon BPA and GSA contracts. Through the HON General Services Administration Multiple Award Schedule, U.S. Goverment agencies through out our community have access to a wide range of HON storage/filing, desking, systems, seating and tables.
Why You Need Secure Document Shredding
read moreWhat do you do with those sensitive documents after you're finished? You've got quite a bit of sensitive information to get rid of and it's not as easy as throwing it away. After all, what happens if the wrong person gets a hold of all that identifying information? The best way to handle getting rid of these sensitive documents is to arrange for the services of a secure document shredding company. Here are the biggest advantages to doing this. Offices handle paperwork. And paper tends to pile up.
Copiers and Services
read moreIn the past, when equipping an office, it was necessary to have a fax machine, a copier, a printer, a scanner, possibly a cash register, calculator, time clock and computers. All of these different devices have their own supply and service needs and occupy a great deal of office space. With modern technology many functions have been rolled together. The computers we use might provide time clock, cash register and bookkeeping functions while copiers, scanners, faxes and printers have consolidated into one device known as an MFP (Multi-Function Printer).The advantages are many to this MFP technology.
September 2019
read moreIt's completely possible to have a green office! With the environmental issues we face today, it's more important than ever to be environmentally conscious. And because the average American spends most of their time in their place of employment, there's no better place to implement these environmental office solutions. We've put together a (by no means comprehensive) list of the many different ways you can green your office.
April 2020
read moreIn order to successfully run an office, you need office supplies. But which ones are the most important to an efficient workplace? Of all the office supplies out there, which ones cause an uproar when it runs out? Paper supplies, sticky notes, filing organization, presentation boards, envelopes, and other mailing supplies are some of the most important supplies. Coffee supplies, ink cartridges, sellotape, staplers and staples, and cleaning products are also imperative to keep on hand.
October 2019
read moreIt should be no surprise that the average American will spend most of their time at their workplace. If you work in an office, you're already well aware of where the bulk of your day is spent. In fact, you might be reading this article as you sit in your office chair.
September 2020
read moreThe process of starting a small business comes with a wealth of decisions, including determining which office supplies you need the most. These office items include paper, writing, and filing supplies as well as calendars and planning supplies, presentation, electronic and technical, and office maintenance supplies. The type and size of your particular business will help you customize this list of office supplies as needed.