Arrow Services
Pest Control Services in Indianapolis, IN

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Arrow Services
read moreThe fleet of ARROW service vehicles is on the road serving the Midwest every day -providing a professional pest management service for residential, commercial and industrial customers. All services are under the supervision of graduate entomologists and chemists.
About Us
read moreWhen looking for local and reliable pest control services think to look for "The Big Arrow" throughout the Midwest! Arrow Services, Inc. was founded in October of 1958 by Everett D. Colvin. Arrow Services is a family-owned company that started in a small local town in Plymouth, Indiana and has later grown into one of the largest pest control agencies in the Midwest. Today, Arrow is currently serving the level of operations in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois with conveniently-located offices in each district.
Arrow Services
read moreDon has been with Arrow Services since 1974. During that period, Don has completed a number of courses of specialized training for exterminators. Don is a Certified Bed Bug and Pest Management Professional in the states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. Don has been involved in Indiana's Pest Management Association by serving as the President, a fellow Board of Director and IPCA Scholarship Committee. In his spare time, Don enjoys playing golf, sporting clays shooting, and spending time with his grandchildren.
Roaches Extermination
read moreArrow Pest Control's roaches extermination in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois areas targets all of its species. All active ingredients are a non-repellent, high performing killer of American, Asian, Australian, Brown, Brown banded, German, Oriental, and Smoky brown roaches. Control your cockroach infestation today with the experts at Arrow Pest Control!
Eradicating Commercial Bed Bugs
read moreThese days, the potential for bedbugs being brought into an office, hospital, movie theatre, restaurant, or retail store is very high. People are always concerned about the presence of pests and any reports by employees should be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. The more they know, the more reassured they will be that the problem is being appropriately addressed. Arrow's bed bug exterminator is equipped to handle any situation for your business when he arrives. He will be discrete and confidential.
Arrow Services
read moreFound unwanted house guest in your home? Worried about what pests may be damaging your property? Send us a picture with your contact information below. An entomologist from our team will identify whatever kind of pest, from rodents to the tiniest of ants, termites, roaches, and bed bugs in Michigan, you may be sharing your space with. We'll discuss different service options we can provide for you and how to get rid of the pest you found on your property.
Flea Pest Control in Indiana
read moreFlea infestations often come from your family pet. They attach to the animal when it's outside, and then infest its fur and the places it sleeps indoors. Flea prevention for both the home and yard can be difficult. Without a proactive approach, any pet owner is vulnerable to an infestation. Flea pest control in Indiana and other areas is essential to prevent these vermin from causing further inconvenience to your pet and family. Fleas depend on a blood meal from a host to survive. In many instances, fleas may become an inside problem when the animal they previously fed on is no longer around.
Tick Control
read moreThey wait on grass, weeds, or bushes; and when a pet or person brushes by, they latch onto the host and go for a ride. More often than not, that means into your home! Most species of tick do not breed well inside a home. One exception to this rule is the brown dog tick. They can survive inside the home and will reproduce quite well. Before they infest your space, it's critical to get rid of them early on through tick control in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. Lyme disease can affect the heart and nervous system, so early detection and medical treatment are essential.