Blue Symphony

Software Developer in Kansas City, MO
Software Developer in Kansas City, MO Blue Symphony is an Information Technology consulting and website development firm. Blue Symphony works with you to identify gaps in your business and then delivers software and Internet solutions that fill those gaps. Your website not only looks nice - it does something! That is Form and Function in Perfect Harmony. Our flagship product is the custom Internet Destination (cID) More than a website, a cID is the web presence that completes your business, helping maximize growth and profitability.

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1601 East Eighteenth Street
Kansas City, MO
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Blue Symphony
read moreWe help you reduce time to market and project costs by helping your staff gain a consistent and correct understanding of the systems they're working on. Your website, data models, and other business solutions are only as good as your team's ability to use them. Are you an Agile shop? RAD? Waterfall?."It's complicated"? We adapt the modeling process to your project methodology delivering as much or as little as you need. When you use Blue Symphony to model upfront, you avoid costly rework.
Data Modeling Data Architect
read moreWe've found that the closer the model is to the real world objects it's trying to emulate, the more durable and scalable it is, meaning it can better absorb the unknowns that always lurk just beyond reach during project planning and discovery phases. The models we develop won't have to be scrapped and restarted from scratch when that inevitable "Oh, we just found out." moment happens. We bring decades of experience to your project. We've worked in a wide range of industries such as insurance, social services, transportation, health & beauty, entertainment, community service, civic, automotive, religion, city planning, and more.
Kansas City Silverstripe Content
read moreA content management system (CMS) is a type of website that gives you control of your content. Approximately half of the websites developed by Blue Symphony are content management systems. Our CMS solutions provide just the right amount of access-enough to allow for updates, but not so much that the site could accidentally break.
Blue Symphony
read moreInvolves your color palette; the images on the site; the font style; the layout; basically, everything associated with graphic design. If you already have a visual design for your website, Blue Symphony can use your design and simply add the functionality. Maybe you've seen a website or template that you like. Blue Symphony Technical can adapt that design and customize it to your needs. If you don't have a visual design, we can design it for you. Our team of graphic designers incorporates your existing brand to reflect your company's personality.
read moreGreat content can make or break your site. Developing high quality content for your website can be daunting and extremely time-consuming. Blue Symphony knows you've got other things to do. Our copy writers create clear and concise content that speaks to your audience and in your voice. Improve your online search rankings - and increase your business - with search engine optimization. Blue Symphony works with you to keep search engines happy, including keeping your website content fresh and relevant; developing back links; and getting reviews.
Blue Symphony
read moreDon't squeeze a round peg into a square hole. If off-the-shelf software doesn't fit your business processes, rather than compromise your business, customize your software. Blue Symphony develops software from the ground up to fit your specific needs. Working with you and learning about your operations, we identify processes that can be streamlined using website and database integration. We even suggest ways to use your website that you never thought possible.
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