Floor Network

Carpets & Rugs in Grand Rapids, MI
Carpets & Rugs in Grand Rapids, MI Flooring that is environmentally responsible. If you care about the impact your consumer choices has on the environment, check out what green flooring has to provide. Less harmful emissions, sustainability and anti-microbial properties are several characteristics that might interest you! Floral to abstract, antique to modern area rugs can transform your living space in minutes. No installation, no waiting. Immediately you can re-decorate your living room, bedroom or any living space to meet your requirements. Give your room a make-over with a new and exciting area rug.

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3070 Broadmoor Aven SE
Grand Rapids, MI
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Floor Network
read moreBy having us measure the room(s) you need flooring in, we are able to provide an accurate cost of what your flooring project will run. No hidden costs. No "delivery" charge. We provide a line by line estimate. As a family owned business, we know our installers personally!
Luxury Vinyl Plank
read moreWe have an extensive selection of Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) and Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) in our showroom. These terms came about to describe a vinyl tile or plank floor as one that mimics the look of wood or stone including marble, travertine, and slate. Technological advances have steadily developed these looks to the point where it now can be very difficult to tell if you are walking on a luxury vinyl plank floor or not. In the early days of sheet vinyl, it was often used only in bathrooms, laundry rooms or entryways.
read moreThe impact of tile is undeniable. It can create beauty, a feeling of elegance and sophistication or change the whole feel of a room with a small pop of shimmery color. The selections from tile manufacturers seems to be infinite. The same holds true for colors available. It can all be overwhelming. We suggest when starting a tile project, to do a bit of research on the internet gathering ideas on color, style and design you are drawn to. Then bring that information to us and we'll start to assemble a plan and what we can do to help you achieve it!
read moreWith a little basic understanding about the different types of wood floors you can be better prepared and more confident in your selection. Wood floors are produced in both solid and engineered planks and strips and come in a wide variety of wood species. To help determine which type of floor will work best for your situation depends upon the location within your home and the type of subfloor.
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