Haleh Rambod Ma Mft Pps

Family Counselor in San Jose, CA
Family Counselor in San Jose, CA We constantly are faced with challenges of life, individual growth, relationships, and interaction with others. As we consciously make an effort to experience the humanness in us we become aware of our individual power. There are times when some challenges cannot be faced alone. We need to have a guide, a counselor, a coach to supply us with the tools to overcome these challenges.

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922 Saratoga Avenue
San Jose, CA
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Haleh Rambod Ma Mft Pps
read moreI place emphasis on each client's uniqueness, help them develop the skills to overcome any crisis, resolve immediate problems, and increase personal understanding so they can move forward in the direction they desire. By providing children a safe and secure space and using a variety of therapeutic modalities, I help children learn to acknowledge and express their feelings in healthy ways and move forward in life with optimism and self-confidence. I've been helping men achieve relationship success for the better part of the last decade by providing a solution-focused approach with the goal of helping you understand and solve the relationship issues you're facing as quickly as possible.
Hypnotherapy in Turlock
read moreIf we do hypnosis work together (whether online or in person), it is more of an educational process that teaches you how to master an ability you already have. Once you have learned how to enter and view your trance state, you can use it to control aspects of your behavior that may have been outside your control. For example, you can learn to improve your mood, to put yourself in touch with more effective frames of mind, to move beyond pain and discomfort, and to adjust your eating or other habits.
Teletherapy Sessions
read moreTeletherapy is almost identical to the more traditional, in-office counseling and psychotherapy services most of us are used to, with one major exception. I know a lot of us have preconceived ideas about what counseling and psychotherapy should "look like" - whether or not you've been in therapy before, we've all seen countless images of clients and therapists sitting together in a comfortable, private office - but the setting is far from the most important element of the work we do together. In fact, the vast majority of my clients have been surprised by how well teletherapy works.
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