Precious Angels Child Care

Childcare Services in Cleveland, OH
Childcare Services in Cleveland, OH We operate 3 child care centers situated in Parma and Parma Heights. We've been in business for 24 years. In this time, we currently have had the possibility to reach the experience that is necessary to supply not only a safe environment but one that encourages your child to learn and evolve by participating in a huge array of age appropriate activities. We currently have served 1000's of kids through the years.

Contact Details

5611 Pearl Road
Cleveland, OH
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Precious Angels Child Care
read moreWe provide real time streaming video of your child's classroom to your cell phone or mobile device or desktop. We are one of the few child care centers in the country that allow parents to view their child's classroom at any time remotely. Our philosophy is that we are an open-door school. We want parents to feel comfortable with their decision to have their child cared for and educated by us. We offer transportation to and from public schools in Parma and Parma Hts. for our school age children.
read moreWith three learning centers and over 40 employees we have over 255 years of experience in the early childhood education field! Three school administrators, three assistant directors and a regional director make up the best learning centers in Parma and Parma Heights. I have been in the education field for over 15 years. I have a degree in early childhood education and Business Management. I believe in my heart that I have one of the best careers in the world. I have the privilege to lead an amazing team of professionals as well as witness our future generation grow, learn and thrive.
read moreYour child will be attending Kindergarten in a short time, so the focus of the preschool Program is to prepare them for school. Our 3 star Step Up To Quality approved curriculum will help your child pass Ohio's Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. Precious Angels Learning Center's preschool program provides experiences that allow the children to be successful. They build self-confidence by experiencing activities such as dramatic play, math & science, building blocks, manipulative, music & movement and creative art.
read moreBy now your toddler is walking steadily and is r eady to explore the world around them. This is an important year for your child in terms of expanding their language and developing a sense of self and independence. Our program will offer your child many opportunities to grow and develop social, cognitive and physical skills. These skills are developed through singing, music, art, story time, and sensory activities. Routines are still a very important part of the toddler curriculum. Eating, diapering and dressing are important learning experiences.
read moreSelecting a daycare for your infant is going to be the hardest decision you will ever make. Our infant program is planned around security and trust through love, comfort, consistency and bundles of hugs. Our program is individualized to meet each child's needs and planned activities help foster growth and development. Daily routines are a very important learning experience in the infants day. Each caregiver develops a special bond with the children and becomes acutely aware of their signals and will meet their needs quickly.
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