Richard Dinsmore, O

Acupuncture & Acupressure in Chula Vista, CA
Acupuncture & Acupressure in Chula Vista, CA Dr. Dinsmore has been in private practice in Chula Vista since 1986 and has successfully treated 1000's of patients with all kinds of general medicine conditions, as well as work and auto injuries. Dr. Dinsmore is a long time resident of Chula Vista and attended Castle Park High School and the University of San Diego before gaining a Doctorate in Oriental Medicine from the California Acupuncture College. Active in the community Dr. Dinsmore coached South Bay Little League Baseball for many years and serves yearly in the Masonic Citizenship Awards with the elementary school district.

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Chula Vista, CA
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Acupuncture Wellness Center
read moreAre you secretly envious of your co-workers and friends who, like superheroes, never seem to get sick? You know, the ones glowing with good health while everyone around them is sneezing, sniffling, and coughing like villains. Don't hate the healthy people. Instead, steal the secrets of people who manage to stay above the sickroom fray and take steps to boost your body's immunity. Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts instructor in New York City, claims she never gets sick, and neither do her father and grandmother, who also teach martial arts.
read moreI wish I could find your office. I have looked twice for it in the past week to ask about Tai Chi because I have weakness in the right knee, the right shoulder is damaged and I have gout arthritis. I see you have trained Navy SEALs. I am US Navy, not a SEAL, but a sailor that works with electronic components. I would like to meet with you when I find the office. Dr. Dinsmore is the best acupuncturist in San Diego. He helped me recover from structural/skeletal and muscular injuries, but also assisted me by treating me for trauma during very emotionally trying times.
Acupuncture Wellness Center
read moreIf you have been injured at work, in a car crash, or in some other kind of accident you should have your injuries evaluated as soon as possible after the event. Often times injuries are not immediately apparent and if you were injured recently and only later experienced symptoms you should seek professional assessment right away. Medical-legal cases require knowledgeable professionals. Dr. Dinsmore is an Indepedent Medical Examiner and has over twenty years experience evaluating, diagnosing and treating injury cases, providing comprehensive case review, and has appeared as an expert witness in court.
Acupuncture Wellness Center
read moreIf you put a modality, such as acupuncture, in the hands of a health care professional who sees nothing but symptoms, the effectiveness of the modality is suddenly, severely restricted. The thinking looks somewhat like this. Used in this way, acupuncture is nothing more than a novel addition to the western practitioner's paint-by-number pallet. Used within the context in which it was born — Oriental Medicine — acupuncture effectively treats all diseases, physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual disorders, as well as pain.
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