San Jose Day Nursery
Childcare Services in San Jose, CA

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San Jose Day Nursery
read moreSan Jose Day Nursery is a high-quality hands-on learning Child Development Center located in the heart of downtown San Jose that accommodates the financial needs of all working families. Our Missionistopromote child excellence through outstanding early care and education, parent engagement, and community partnerships. Carol was a single mother of a six-month old baby girl when she cameto us very worried about who would take care of her daughter when shemade the decision to go back to work and school.
About Us
read moreFounded in 1916 and located at our present site since 1936, the Nursery is committed to meeting the dynamic needs, expectations, and hopes of parents who are looking for high quality Early Care and Education. In a complex community environment, the Nursery seeks a staff and Board who possess a diversity of skills and heritages, empathy and relativity in family relations, and leadership in the conduct of programs and agency management. The Nursery enjoys exceptional staff stability - an important contributor to program quality, effective communication, and the establishment of trusting relationships.
Our Staff
read moreSan Jose Day Nursery is licensed by the California Department of Social Services (DSS) Community Care Licensing (CCL)to care for children ages six weeks to six years. CCLlicensing requirements are extensive and regulate almost all areas of operation. To meet licensing requirements, preschool teachers must complete a minimum of12 units in Early Childhood Education. We are fortunate to have caring dedicated teachers that far exceed these requirements. Many of our staff have college degrees in child development or are enrolled in Child Development classes.
Get Involved
read moreThroughout the Nursery's history, our children have benefitted from the kindness of our generous neighbors and friends in the community. We have received a wide range of gifts (including learning materials, clothing, volunteer time, cash, and in-kind donations). We welcome all items that can be put to creative use, including your generous services, money, and time.
read moreWe looked at many daycare options before our daughter was born; from in-home care to nannies, large centers to small, private options. Ultimately we decided on San Jose Day Nursery because we liked the warm welcome we received at the time we visited, the inclusive atmosphere and the focus on individual child development. Our daughter started at San Jose Day Nursery at 3 months old in the Infant Care Room. Over a year later, we are still pleased with our decision. We have recommended SJDN to many friends and have nothing but positive things to say about our time here.
Willow Glen Home Tour
read moreThe Willow Glen Home Tour started back in 1983 by the board of directors of San Jose Day Nursery as a way to bring in needed funds to provided tuition assistance to low income families with young children. It was the first Home Tour of it's kind in the San Jose area. At the time Willow Glen was a developing area and there was lots of interest in the quaintneighborhood. As the years have progressed, this area has developed into a bustling little community while still holding on to that original quaintness that made it intriguing in the first place.