Unified Technology & Agrcltrl
Agricultural Contractor in Detroit, MI

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About Us
read moreBy investing in our pioneering model, we term communal capitalism, we dare to re-imagine the possibility to help foster important breakthroughs - from water storage, environmental improvement through reforestation along the white Volta river and dredged lakes, research and small scale agriculture, and our continued educational opportunities for young people in communities. We evaluate the needs of the communities and prioritize projects according to the cultural dynamics. The local community becomes the intrinsic factor in the success of our program.
Unified Technology & Agric
read moreUTAP is a non-profit and non-governmental organization model for empowering rural African communities while keeping indigenous cultures intact. We provide instruction on modified agricultural methods to improve local crops, offer research and resources to attain water security, make available a resilient education plan and introduce computer technology and skills to operate on a level that will meet the needs of the community. UTAP, a model of accountability, transparency and integrity is a laboratory for learning, testing new ways to serve constituents, and modeling new approaches to existing constant failures in Africa.
Unified Technology & Agric
read moreUTAP's new African development paradigm, based in clustering agricultural and technology (Unified Technology & Agricultural Program (UTAP), and operated as a private non-profit, involving professional with core understanding and stake in the underlying communities is the most effective way forward for Africa as a whole. The UTAP's paradigm will generate employment for the youth and farmers in the various communities that will be affected by the project. In the case of our ongoing efforts in Arigu, the long idle Tomato Factory located in Pwalugu may be dependent on the vast lands of Arigu to drive it growth.