Zacour & Assocs

Real Estate Appraisal in El Paso, TX
Real Estate Appraisal in El Paso, TX Our investment in technology has helped our clients greatly reduce their workload. By providing online appraisal ordering, automatic report status and electronic delivery, we are able to eliminate delays associated with the appraisal process. With over twenty years of knowledge valuing homes and businesses in Texas and New Mexico, we currently have a proven track record of reducing lender's time, efforts and costs in managing the appraisal process.

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128 Thunderbird Drive # East
El Paso, TX
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Why you should order an appraisal
read morePeople nowadays order practically everything from the Internet - Now you can even request an appraisal from our website. At Zacour & Associates, Inc. we understand that some folks still want to pick up the phone or send a fax to order an appraisal. We're always ready to take your assignment regardless of the method. That being said, ordering your appraisal for a house in or near El Paso County online is mutually advantageous. Manually re-keying subject property data from your order is outdated.
Assessment appeal services
read moreWhen it comes to legal matters, you consult your attorney, just as you rely on your accountant to handle financial concerns. Knowing your real estate holdings are among your greatest assets, it is important to realize that professional property tax representation is key to keeping assessed values in check and maximizing your return on real estate investments. Registered property tax consultants with the specialized knowledge of state certified real estate appraisers. A proven track record of reduced assessments for both commercial and residential clients attained through in-depth understanding of the tax code and a long-standing working relationship with the Central Appraisal District.
Zacour & Associates
read moreGetting real estate can be the most serious investment many people could ever make. Whether it's where you raise your family, a second vacation property or an investment, the purchase of real property is an involved financial transaction that requires multiple parties to pull it all off. Most people are familiar with the parties taking part in the transaction. The most familiar person in the exchange is the real estate agent. Then, the lender provides the financial capital required to fund the deal.
Tips on Reading Home Inspection
read moreWhen interviewing a home inspector, ask the inspector what type of report format he or she provides. There are many styles of reports used by property inspectors, including the checklist, computer generated using inspection programs, and the narrative style. The most important issue with an inspection report is the descriptions given for each item or component. A report that indicates the condition as "Good", "Fair" or "Poor" without a detailed explanation is vague and can be easily misinterpreted.
Providing experienced appraisals
read moreWe understand that divorce is a painful process. There are numerous choices that have to be finalized, including what happens to the home. There are generally two alternatives regarding the shared residence - it can be put up for sale and the proceeds split, or one party can "buy out" the other. In either case, one or both parties would be wise to commission an appraisal of the residence. An appraisal for the purpose of assent division needs a well-established, authoritative value conclusion that can be supported to a judge.
Estate Appraisals in El Paso County
read moreThe responsibility of settling an estate, often a source of stress is very important. As an executor you have been entrusted to carry out the wishes of the deceased as promptly and exactly as possible. You can count on us to act quickly and with as much compassion to the feelings of everyone left behind. Attorneys and accountants rely on our conduct when calculating real estate values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a worth being placed on real property. Usually, everyone involved will have differing requirements of how the appraisal process should work; however, our experience of the estate process will, without a doubt, satisfy all parties involved.
Appraiser expert witness testimony
read moreWe offer a full range of Real Estate Appraisal services, with experience in many types of property. We are also experienced in litigation support and expert witness services. Clients who have used our expert testimony services include government agencies, tax entities, financial institutions, legal and accounting firms and many other businesses. In many cases, our independent, supportable analysis has allowed clients to settle cases without going to court. An appraiser must remain unbiased in performing an appraisal of a property.
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