Candy & Sweet Shops in Topeka, KS

Hazel Hill Chocolate

Hazel Hill Chocolate

Hazel Hill Chocolate
Topeka KS 66603
Owners, Nick and Terry Xidis, invest their hearts and hands in fine chocolate and confectionery. Hazel Hill, Terry's grandmother, is a symbol of their commitment to a family tradition of the finest in everything they do. Nick is the 3rd generation chocolatier and in keeping with traditions, they use
Daddy Cakes

Daddy Cakes

Daddy Cakes
Topeka KS 66604
The daddy cakes story begins with a little bit of a mistake. Bill was at the auction trying his finest to make his wife cheerful bidding on what he thought were cupcake pans. What they turned out to be were Texas sized muffin pans. They thought about it for a while and decided that if they were going
Sweet Baking & Candy Making Supply
(785) 228-2253
Topeka, KS 66614
5331 SW 22nd Pl
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