Bullock Family Chiropractic

Chiropractor in Lexington, KY
Chiropractor in Lexington, KY Like many people I did not Discover Chiropractic until I had been through the conventional medical system. At the age of 12, I was developing unusual symptoms like: I got nauseated every time I walked in my school, went in certain stores, or when I rode in cars. After they had done numerous tests and tried all sort of different drugs they came to the conclusions that they didn't know what was causing my Mysterious Illness, but it would possibly go away and if it didn't I would have to just live with it.

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152 West Zandale Drive Ste 101
Lexington, KY
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Bullock Family Chiropractic
read moreHave a health issue you would like more information on? Please enter that issue into the "Health Topic Search" box to see up to 50 articles and research on that subject. Bullock Family Chiropractic is dedicated to helping families in Lexington and Central Kentucky improve their quality of life. We know that health & wellness is so much more than just not feeling pain. We strive to have our patients reach their fullest innate potential. It is our hope that the following pages can be of assistance to you in some way.
About Us
read more2. Is there a time in pregnancy when spinal adjustments should stop? No! Some women have even received chiropractic during labor to aid in reducing pain with delivery. 3. Should I see a chiropractor if I only have a painful pregnancy? No! Regular spinal screenings and updates should be common. Remember, your body is changing in many ways and that can place a great deal of stress on your spine and nervous system. So rather than wait for problems to arise, prevent them by frequent visits to your chiropractor.
Bullock Family Chiropractic in
read moreThe doctors here at the Upper Cervical Clinic represent a very small community within the healthcare profession today. What we offer to our patients is not only unique but, their care is specifically catered to each person. The Upper Cervical Clinic's philosophy is based on a lifestyle change in every aspect of a persons' life, not merely the management of disease. Today's healthcare system has instilled fear into society making us think that the body needs some sort of assistance by the use of a man made chemical (medication).
Bullock Family Chiropractic in
read moreA subluxation means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae. This irritation may cause pain and dysfunction in muscle, lymphatic and organ tissue as well as imbalance in the normal body processes. We are thrilled to provide you with the timely, pertinent information that you can use every day. Feast and enjoy!
Bullock Family Chiropractic in
read moreBelow are some of the foremost experts in chiropractic who have taken the time to answer some of the more common questions. Please click on the doctor's image below, or select another question from the list on the right. Author: Dr. Reggie Gold Description: In this short video, Dr. Gold clarifies how subluxations do much more than affect what we perceive as health. He explains that the nervous system controls all functions and that therefore interference to the nervous system from subluxations affects all areas of our lives.
Bullock Family Chiropractic in
read moreIn simplest terms, a subluxation a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes those nerves to malfunction and interfere with the signals traveling over those nerves. How does this affect you? Your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body.
First Visit Expectations at Bullock
read moreThe procedures we use are therefore specifically selected for your spine and nervous system health. There are a couple of things that you should expect when you have a first visit at our clinic. Our Examination consists of a thorough spinal and nervous system exam which includes "Palpation". Palpation essentially is checking your spine by hand. With this exam the doctor can feel areas of your spine that may be involved with subluxations problems. Spinal position, curvatures and muscle tone can also be examined as it relates to possible spinal subluxations.
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