Dragon Studios Taijiquan And Hatha Yoga

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in West Valley City, UT
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in West Valley City, UT In 1997 JC Carter started teaching his life-long friend, Criss Bear Rosenlof, the arts of Tai Chi and Yoga that he learned from Professor Bill Parkinson. The class was taught once a week at a park above JC's home in Salt Lake City. As JC taught Criss the importance of relaxation and effortless movement, Criss taught JC about the hard-style martial arts he had learned years before. Together, they established a comprehensive system of martial arts with Tai Chi as the base. The friends established Dragon Studios and set out to teach the world about the arts that have changed and improved their lives.

Contact Details

3974 South Lance Strt
West Valley City, UT
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