Credit in Kern County, CA

Millennium One Mortgage

Millennium One Mortgage

Millennium One Mortgage
Bakersfield CA 93309
If you are planning to buy your next home, your 1st home, that dream home, a condo, vacation home, investment property or looking to refinance in California or the surrounding countryside, you'll find that this site is a comprehensive resource full of insider secrets that will enable you to choose the
Bakersfield Back Tax Debt Relief

Bakersfield Back Tax Debt Relief

Bakersfield Back Tax Debt Relief
Bakersfield CA 93301
The Internal Revenue Service is the nation's tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. The IRS is organized to carry out the responsibilities of the secretary of the Treasury under section 7801 of the Internal Revenue Code. The secretary has full authority to
Suverkrop Don

Suverkrop Don

Bakersfield CA 93306
The current economic, financial, credit and confidence crisis has brought new construction and engineering projects to a halt. Even in the finest of times proposals for projects that are never built cost $Billions but now, with heightened investor FEAR of losing money, opportunities have dried up and
Rogers Jewelers

Rogers Jewelers

Bakersfield CA 93312
In 1937 a young jewelry salesman, Harry Marks and his partner, Dr. Robert Moon, a practicing optometrist, established Rogers Jewelry Company in Modesto, California. With vision, foresight and dedication the founders built their firm on the principles of delivering quality jewelry, friendly service and
Bakersfield Payday Loans Cash Advance

Bakersfield Payday Loans Cash Advance

Bakersfield Payday Loans Cash Advance
Bakersfield CA 93309
Welcome to Bakersfield Cash Advance Payday Loans. We're proud to cover the Bakersfield community with the finest, easiest and safest online loan system. Bakersfield Cash Advance Payday Loans is the fastest way to get a safe, secure, online cash advance and payday loan. Apply and qualify for a cash advance