Secretarial Services in Portland, OR


Portland OR 97209
Nationwide, from our studio in Portland, Oregon, we will handle your calls with care - answering your phone calls with your custom greeting, screening, announcing and transferring calls wherever you may work, and taking messages, providing voicemail, and delivering helpful information when you are away.
Westside Secretarial Service

Portland OR
Westside Secretarial Service has offered membership and financial management for businesses and associations since 1992. She has a bachelor of science from Eastern Oregon College and went into the private business to suit an obvious need for tiny/mid-sized businesses and address her entrepreneurial tendencies.

Portland OR
Nationwide, from our studio in Portland, Oregon, we will handle your calls with care - answering your phone calls with your custom greeting, screening, announcing and transferring calls wherever you may work, and taking messages, providing voicemail, and delivering helpful information when you are away.