Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Churches in Quincy, MA
Churches in Quincy, MA Lutherans are Christians who accept the teachings of Martin Luther (1483-1546) Luther was a German theologian who realized that there were significant differences between what he read in the Bible and the practices of the Roman Catholic Church at that time. Today, nearly five centuries later, Lutherans still hold to the basic principles of Luther's theological teachings, such as Grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone.

Contact Details

308 West Squantum Street
Quincy, MA
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read moreWe're exploring the book of Ephesians together at 10 am every other Monday morning via Zoom. Our next session is on January 25. Bring your favorite mug, humor and patience. Ephesians is an invitation into a world of grace, sweeping us into an all-encompassing vision of God's eternal plan to redeem all creation. In this letter, we learn about the geography of grace where God labors to fulfill the mystery of the divine plan. This study invites participants to a spirituality of knowing and living the peace of Jesus that is the destiny of the entire creation.
read moreFollowing worship most Sundays we gather in the Fellowship Hour for a time of informal conversation around light refreshments offered by volunteers of the congregation. Additional fellowship opportunities are offered throughout the year including Yankee Swap pot lucks, summer cook-outs, Providence Bruins games, and other seasonal activities.
Christian Education at Good Shepherd
read moreMidweek Bible Study is an important part of discipleship-formation at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The format is conversational and relaxed. A safe atmosphere is created so that all questions - even the most basic - are welcome and encouraged. Our recent areas of study include: the "Book of Faith" materials on the "Origins of the Christian Bible;" the books of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, Galatians, and Revelation; the Draft ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuality; forgiveness; discipleship; Professor Barbara Rossing's book The Rapture Exposed, the video series: "Marriage Built to Last, " Pastor Martha Grace Reese's book Unbinding the Gospel, and Martin Luther's Small Catechism.
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